Disadvantaged, Vulnerable and Marginalized Rights Holders (Children, Youths & Adults) have improved learning, development and life (e.g. success, wellbeing & social life) outcomes.
To achieve its vision through its mission statement the organization carefully selected the following focus areas:
Improved knowledge, skills & Strengths for success
The program promotes the provision of quality and universal basic education to all children through implementation of appropriate policies and practices, and availing opportunities for children for equitable access to quality primary education. ReachAll through this program supports the strengthening of institutional frameworks to coordinate provision of education andtraining towards Education for All (EFA) goals.
Improved, secured & sustainable Household income/ economies
Under this program, the organization aims to improve economic statuses of targeted communities. The program empowers the disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized communities to help themselves. The program will bring an effective approach to promoting improved, secured, and sustainable livelihood strategies developed, demonstrated, and validated in selected areas, and institutional capacity created so that these strategies can be replicated and
Improved access to health support systems & services
The Program enhances health and wellness of beneficiaries by promoting improvement of health services, access to health services and behavioral change of health service providers and communities. It shall strengthen existing Health Information Management System (HIMS) at various levels to enhance accurate and adequate data collection, information management and reporting. It shall also enhance communication (systems) and collaboration among stakeholders.
Improved environmental & Household Cleanliness (Hygiene & Sanitation)
The program focuses on promoting the provision of water for consumption (e.g. domestic) and productive usage. It also promotes environmentally friendly policies and practices as well as advocacy and environmental awareness interventions.

We will focus our programs direction while continuing to strengthen and expand our collective action and learning. Collective action and learning has been and will continue to be at the heart of what the ReachAll is and does. We will seek to influence local policies and practices with respect to the program areas that affect children, youths, women, and communities by building upon our programmatic expertise.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), adopted by governments around the world in September 2000, created a global vision for reducing extreme poverty. We are committed to contributing to reaching the MDGs according to our program focus areas.
The following are key areas of our approach we use in programs implementation:
- Stakeholders’ Engagement and Participation – Our stakeholders are vital in our governance, management and programming.
- Capacity Building of Stakeholders e.g. beneficiaries, partners, service providers and support structures
- Skilling Community Clubs and Structures – for improved learning, development and life outcomes. ReachAll forms children, youths and adults skilling clubs as change agents.
- Promotes Community Driven Development – This is according to our model (CRLA – Connecting, Relating, Learning & Acting)
(a) Collaboration (CR – Connecting & Relating) – This involves community building and visioning to promote UNITY for rewarding and productive relationships.
(b) Learning for transformation and empowerment to ACT for the common good.
(c) Community Action for Development
- Partnerships – The organization partners with like-minded actors for stronger voice, more effective and broader impact. ReachAll advocates for inclusive, friendly services of support systems for Rights Holders (Disadvantaged, Vulnerable and Marginalized Children, Youths and Adults).